Compost & Mulch
We sell & deliver Supersoil, organic compost and hardwood mulch.
Made by Nature
Each of our products are made from recycled organic waste.
Our Process
We don't use chemicals or fertilizers in any of the products we produce.
For almost 20 years, we've been an eco-friendly alternative to landfills.
Largest Organics Recycler in the State of Arkansas
American Composting™, Inc., (ACI) is the dominant organics recycler in the state of Arkansas. In fact, ACI is one of the largest recyclers of organic wastes and by-products in the South Central region of the United States. We take materials capable of causing pollution (if land filled) and turn them into the best garden and grass feeding materials such as; compost, mulch, and soil blends. We use multiple organics feedstock to make our premium products. ACI’s philosophy is best summed up in our trademark slogan, “Man and Nature Working Together.”

For the healthiest gardens, look no further than our Supersoil. We can even deliver Supersoil to your location.
Hardwood Mulch

American Composting™, Inc's hardwood mulch is great for all kind of landscaping needs. We can also deliver mulch to your location.

Our products and services are beneficial to the environment. It can be a cost effective alternative to typical waste management.