Our Products
American Composting™, Inc. brand products are scientifically formulated to provide an optimum growing medium for all your lawn and garden needs.
Produced with state-of-the-art composting technology, ACI’s soils and growing mixes are filled with nature’s own slow release organic nutrients and beneficial microorganisms. American Composting™, Inc. does not use artificial fertilizers or chemicals to achieve the superior quality of its brand products.
Soil Preparation:
Prepare your soil for planting by mixing 1 part Supersoil or Compost with 2 parts top soil.
Compost $24.00 per cy $3.20 per bag
Supersoil $28.00 per cy $3.75 per bag
Hardwood Mulch $18.00 per cy (bulk only)
Contact us and find out where to buy American Composting™, Inc. Products.
Please use one of the following links for more information about each of our 100% Organic products and their recommended usage: