How much does each product weigh?
1 cy of Compost weighs 900lbs – 1300lbs
1 cy of Supersoil weighs 1800lbs
1 cy of Hardwood Mulch weighs 613lbs
How can I determine the square footage I need?
Determine the number of square feet you need to cover by measuring.
Use our calculator on Our Products page.
Can I plant directly into Compost?
Can I use compost or Supersoil in pots?
You can use compost in pots but Supersoil can not be used in pots.
Can I plant directly into Supersoil?
No – Prepare your soil for planting by mixing 1 part Supersoil or Compost with 2 parts top soil.
Do you carry dyed mulch?
No. We only carry shredded hardwood mulch.
Do you recycle paper products?
No. We recycle green waste, clean wood waste, and food waste (produce).
Do you buy recyclable material?
No. We charge a tipping fee for your recyclable material.
How much can a pickup truck carry of each product?
A regular size pickup truck without an extended bed can haul 1cy of each product. Trucks with extended beds can haul up to 2cy of each product. Please keep in mind the weight of each product per cubic yard.
How much can a truck and trailer carry of each product?
This depends on the size of your trailer and the amount of weight your truck can haul.
Do you accept debit or credit cards?
No. We accept cash or check only.
Do you have any free mulch?
We do not offer any free mulch at this time.